Grace on the Ashley Kids

The children’s ministry (birth through 5th grade) at Grace on the Ashley is a fun and safe environment for children to learn about Jesus. Our primary goals are to support parents in their role of raising godly children and help our children to understand and apply the gospel in their lives. Therefore, each week, we sing songs of worship and our volunteers prepare a gospel-centered lesson and activity for our children. Click the link below to read about our Children's Ministry Philosophy.



we make disciples

At Grace, we aim to live as sent people for purposes of reaching those without the hope of the Gospel. The Great Commission is a central feature of our vision and mission as a local church. 


we mature disciples

As a church, we believe in the importance of maturing disciples in their knowledge and practice of Scripture. We take seriously the truths of God's Word and aim to equip believers to vigorously live out a robust Christian faith.  

we multiply disciples

God has called the church to be kingdom-oriented. Therefore, at Grace, we aim to be a church that develops leaders, plants churches, and invests in God's larger kingdom purposes. 


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